It was on February 29th 2024 in Bururi American Corner that was held a meeting that was dedicated to selecting students who will participate in the Access English Microscholarship program simply known as “Access Program”. This two year personal development program is dedicated to students from low-income families who are aged between 13-20 years old.

In Mugamba Commune, Ubuntu Village of Life was selected to run that precious program for the 2024-2026 period. While the program has its own eligibility criteria, the coordination in collaboration with the communal administration of education have set more criteria so to make the program more impactful.

Students who are in their first years of post-fundamental education were eligible for the program. Given the limited number of sits, only who got higher grades in the first term were given that chance, taking also into consideration of gender balance, which gave a total number of 25 selected students and 5 who have been placed on the waiting list.

Classes will take place at UVL American corner which is located at Muyanga-Kavumu hill, Mugamba commune each Saturday from 8.00 to 12.30. Given the fact that many schools are far from the training center, only 5 schools were able to give students who will participate in the program. These are Tora Lycée, Mugamba Communal Lycée, Mugamba Communal Technical Lycée, Nyagasasa Communal Lycée and Vyuya Communal Lycée.

The meeting started with the presentation of the Access program by the coordinator and then, after setting the selection criteria, the jury proceeded at the selection of eligible candidates. 13 girls and 12 boys were selected while 3 boys and 2 girls were put on the waiting list. The meeting closed with a reception where participants shared drinks. Let’s mention that the Communal Director of Education in Mugamba and 10 high school principals as well as Access and American corner staff attended the meeting. It’s also worth mentioning that classes we plan to start classes on Wednesday March 27th, 2024 at 10.00 a.m at Ubuntu Village of Life Bururi American corner.

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